Gene Screen BC 2010

Gene Screen BC 2010 feed

image of Gene Screen BC 2010
Manager: Gene Screen BC | send a message Administrator(s): marcfriedmann
Description: Gene Screen BC (GSBC) is a contest to honour short videos that educate, inform and excite the public and healthcare professionals about genetics and human health. The contest opens on March 22, 2010 with a networking event and will culminate in a video festival on September 8, 2010 in Vancouver.

The category for this year’s film is “Health” and is targeted towards those interested in creating short films aimed at educating others about any topic related to clinical genetics. Beside the general topic of genomics & human health, the content is up to you and we encourage you to be creative and develop your own approach. The only requirements are that it be:
  • made for educational purposes

  • between 3-10 minutes long

  • suitable for public display (PG rating)

  • does not violate copyright law (all material must be your original work)

The top five films will be shown in an evening showcase on September 8, 2010 in Vancouver.

  • 1st place – $3500

  • 2nd place – $2000

  • 3rd place – $1000

  • People’s Choice – $1000 (voted on by anyone visiting SciVee)

Important dates:
  • March 22, 2010: Launch event

  • July 31, 2010 – midnight (Pacific time): Deadline to register

  • August 15, 2010 – midnight (Pacific time): Deadline for submission
  • September 8, 2010: Screening event and winners announced

Here’s how to upload your video:

1. Go to /uploadvideo and login to Scivee. You will need to register if you're not already a user on SciVee.

2. Follow the video upload process:
  • Mark your entry as a "video only."

  • Give your video’s title, a short description, and list its authors/producers

  • Choose the appropriate audience and subject areas.

3. When asked to enter “tags”, make sure you include GSBC. You can add any other appropriate tags as well.

4. Click “finish” and you'll be video will be provisionally entered into the competition.

5. To be eligible for the cash prizes, complete the entry form and release form (online at or return downloaded form to

People's Choice Voting
Voting for your favorites is easy. Go to the Gene Screen BC 2010 site at Make sure you are registered and logged into the SciVee site and then view the videos. Click the star rating you prefer under each video that you review. A “Thank You for Voting” notice will appear and your vote will be recorded. You may only vote once for each video.

For any questions email:

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Community Videos (11)view all
image of Gene Screen BC 2010

A short documentary about a new strategy of combatting antibiotic resistance.

image of Gene Screen BC 2010

A quick tour through the field of genomics, from simple to complex - an algal cell dividing, lyonization in a cat, and newborn genetic testing, among other topics. This is a re-upload.

image of Gene Screen BC 2010

Set in the future when sequencing technology is readily available to the public, this short film follows the journey of a young man who decides to sequence his genome after his sister dies of a genetic disorder. We see the complexity of making this decision as he must choose exactly what he wants...
