Leveraging the immune system to fight cancer – Biotech’s future

submitted by: nsf

Inventors are using small-scale biology and engineering to find ways to use the body’s natural defenses to effectively treat cancer. NSF-funded small business GigaGen uses microfluidics, bioinformatics and genome sequencing to look for antibodies that may be good candidates for new therapies. GigaGen’s David Johnson explained how at the 2014 BIO International Convention.

Rex Malmstrom on "Whole Genome Sequencing of Individual Bacterial Cells from the Ocean"

submitted by: JGI

Rex Malmstrom of the DOE Joint Genome Institute discusses single-cell sequencing of Prochlorococcus on June 4, 2010 at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

Joel Berendzen on "Grepping Life: A new Paradigm for Analyzing Metagenomic Data"

submitted by: JGI

Joel Berendzen of Los Alamos National Laboratory discusses a phylogenetic method based on answering the question "What Would Google Do?" on June 4, 2010 at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

Nikos Krypides on "Analysis of metagenomic sequences: from megabases to terabases"

submitted by: JGI

Nikos Krypides of the DOE Joint Genome Institute discusses metagenomics and the challenge of dealing with terabases of data on June 4, 2010 at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

Johar Ali on "Genomics at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Reserach"

submitted by: JGI

Johar Ali of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research discusses genomics and next-gen applications at the OICR on June 2, 2010 at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

Nikos Kyrpides on “The Future of Microbial Genomics”

submitted by: JGI

Nikos Kyrpides, head of the Genome Biology group at the DOE Joint Genome Institute discusses current challenges in the field of microbial genomics on June 2, 2010 at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

Claire Fraser-Liggett on “Complex microbial communities: We’re not in Kansas anymore”

submitted by: JGI

Claire Fraser-Liggett, Director of the Institute for Genome Sciences and professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, gives the June 2, 2010 keynote at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

Victor Markowitz on "IMG Systems for Comparative Analysis of Microbial Genomes and Metagenomes"

submitted by: JGI

Victor Markowitz, head of the Biological Data Management and Technology Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, talks about the Integrated Microbial Genomes system housed at the DOE JGI at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM on May 29, 2009.

Evan Eichler on “Sequencing Complex Genomic Regions” - Part II

submitted by: JGI

Evan Eichler, Howard Hughes Medical Investigator at the University of Washington, gives the May 28, 2009 keynote speech at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM. Part 2 of 2.

Evan Eichler on “Sequencing Complex Genomic Regions” - Part I

submitted by: JGI

Evan Eichler, Howard Hughes Medical Investigator at the University of Washington, gives the May 28, 2009 keynote speech at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM. Part 1 of 2.