Yogesh Simmhan discusses "MyLEAD Metadata Catalog" at TeraGrid 2006, originally hosted on SDSC's CI Channel . For more details about the TeraGrid, please visit: http://teragrid.org/ . For furthur information about LEAD see: https://portal.leadproject.org/gridsphere/gridsphere
John Moreland discusses visualization conducted at the Synthesis Center at UCSD during SDSC's Summer Computing Institute 2006. For more details about the Summer Computing Institute, please visit: http://www.sdsc.edu/us/training/workshops/2006summerinstitute/schedule.html . Originally posted at...
Jeffrey L. Tilson presents at TeraGrid 2006, originally hosted on SDSC's CI Channel . For more details about the TeraGrid, please visit: http://teragrid.org/ .