The deceptive nature of UVA-tanning versus the modest protective effects of UVB-tanning on human skin

submitted by: vhearing
The relationship between human skin pigmentation and protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation is an important element underlying differences in skin carcinogenesis rates. The association between UV damage and the risk of skin cancer is clear, yet a strategic balance in exposure to UV needs to be met. Dark skin is protected from UV-induced DNA damage significantly more than light skin due to the constitutively higher pigmentation but an as yet unresolved and important question is what...
Authors: Vincent j. Hearing, Ludger Kolbe, Yoshinori Miyamura, Sergio g. Coelho, Kathrin Schlenz, Jan Batzer, Christoph Smuda, Wonseon Choi, Michaela Brenner, Thierry Passeron, Guofeng Zhang, Rainer Wolber

Dr Wetter discusses Feb 2010 Mayo Clinic Proceedings article on Stevens-Johnson syndrome

submitted by: mcgheekkm
Dr. Wetter, Mayo Clinic dermatologist, discusses various features of Stevens-Johnson syndrome based on an article published in the February 2010 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

La Vitamina D (Vitamin D) "Leyendo Entre Los Genes" ("Reading Between the Genes")

submitted by: clownfish
Este video describe la deficiencia de vitamina D y el proceso de adaptación a latitudes del norte.

Diversity Profile of the Human Skin Microbiome in Health and Disease Elizabeth A. Grice, National Institutes of Health

submitted by: dougramsey
Elizabeth A. Grice of National Institutes of Health discusses "Diversity Profile of the Human Skin Microbiome in Health and Disease"

New Skin - Partners Video Magazine

submitted by: csrees
Scientists in Illinois are using corn protein to create new skin and deliver medicine through nanotubes. New Skin is a segment from Partners Video Magazine's latest episode, The Science of Small. To view the entire episode visit:


submitted by: camdic
Hereditary disease, trasmitted with recessive autosomical modality, the XP is characterized from extreme photosensivity, that causes strict and premature damages to level of the cutis and of the eyes. Its incidence is of 1: 250 thousand in Europe and USA, while in Japan the relationship is of 1:40 thousand. In the child affected by XP, also short exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, determines severe cutaneous sunburn with slow resolution, therefore it is from avoiding sources of...

Dissection -01- Skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk and up

submitted by: scivee-team
Dissection of a human body: skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk and upper thigh. Warning: content may be unsuitable for the faint hearted.