
University of the Sciences Open Chemistry Talk

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents on "Open Education in Chemistry Research and Classroom" at the University of the Sciences on January 11, 2011. The talk covers screencasting, wikis, chemical information validation, Open Notebook Science and smartphones.

OpenSciNY Open Notebook Science Talk

submitted by: jcbradley
On May 14, 2010 Jean-Claude Bradley presented on Open Notebook Science at the OpenSciNY conference at the New York University Library. He introduced the topic by telling a few stories about how new forms of communication are affecting how we think about concepts like "scientific precedent", "peer review", "scientific publishing" and "scientific scholarship". At the end he spoke about archiving Open Notebook Science projects culminating in the publication of the Reaction Attempts and ONS...

Education 2.0: Leveraging Collaborative Tools for Teaching

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents at the Drexel E-Learning 2.0 Conference on March 25, 2010. The talk covers the educational uses of screencasting, wikis, blogs, games, Google Spreadsheets and Second Life.

UPenn Library Open Notebook Science Talk Jan2010

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents "Open Notebook Science and other Science2.0 Approaches to Communicate Research" at the University of Pennsylvania Library on January 21, 2010. The introduction covers recent examples of where the sharing of laboratory notebook information in chemistry on the blogosphere has been key to resolving ambiguous results in the traditional literature. Other examples illustrate the inability to assess contradictory data in the literature simply because insufficient...

NERM 09: Leveraging Transparency and Crowdsourcing in Chemistry Using Open Notebook Science

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents on October 9, 2009 at the Northeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Hartford. This talk, entitled "Leveraging Transparency and Crowdsourcing in Chemistry Using Open Notebook Science", was part of a symposium on Publishing and Promoting Chemistry in the Internet Age. It consists of an overview of Open Notebook Science with some new content on solubility prediction algorithms written by Andrew Lang and a few example of students taking a...

Crowdsourcing Solubility using Open Notebook Science

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents at the American Chemical Society on August 16, 2009. The talk starts with highlighting how Open Notebook Science has been used to shed light on the recent report of using sodium hydride (NaH) as an oxidant. Next the Open Notebook Science Challenge is described, where ONS coupled to crowdsourcing is used to measure and share non-aqueous solubility data. Recent developments in using bots to contribute to the scientific process and applications to the Ugi reaction...

NASA Open Notebook Science Talk April 09

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley discusses Open Notebook Science on April 15, 2009 at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This includes recent material such as ONS logos, the ChemTiles and Spectral Games, automated backup of Google Spreadsheets and automated solubility determinations using web services called from within Google Spreadsheets.