1) Jiang J, Sharma SD, Nakamura S, Lai JY, Fink JL, Hruby VJ, Hadley ME. "The melanotropic peptide, Nle4,D-Phe7 alpha-MSH, stimulates human melanoma tyrosinase activity and inhibits cell proliferation." Pigment Cell Research 1995, 8:314.
2) Hadley ME, Hruby VJ, Jiang J, Sharma SD, Fink JL, Haskell-Luevano C, Bentley DL, al-Obeidi F, Sawyer TK. "Melanocortin receptors: identification and characterization by melanotropic peptide agonists and antagonists". Pigment Cell Research 1996, 9:213.
3) Jiang J, Sharma SD, Hruby VJ, Bentley DL, Fink JL, Hadley ME. "Human epidermal melanocyte and keratinocyte melanocortin receptors: visualization by melanotropic peptide conjugated microspheres (latex beads)". Pigment Cell Research 1996, 9:240.
4) Jiang J, Sharma SD, Fink JL, Hadley ME, Hruby VJ. "Melanotropic peptide receptors: membrane markers of human melanoma cells". Experimental Dermatology 1996, 5:325.
5) Jiang J, Sharma SD, Hruby VJ, Fink JL, Hadley ME. "Human epidermal melanocyte and keratinocyte melanotropin receptors: visualization by melanotropic peptide conjugated macrospheres (polyamide beads)". Experimental Dermatology 1997, 6:6.
6) Aebi S, Fink D, Gordon R, Kim HK, Zheng H, Fink JL, Howell SB. "Resistance to Cytotoxic Drugs in DNA Mismatch Repair Deficient Cells". Clinical Cancer Research 1997, 3:1763.
7) Kurdi-Haidar B, Hom DK, Flittner DE, Heath D, Fink L, Naredi P, Howell SB. "Dual Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Distribution of the Novel Arsenite-Stimulated Human ATPase (hASNA-I)". Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1998, 71:1.
8) Masys DR, Welsh JB, Fink L, Gribskov M, Klacansky I, Corbeil J. "Use of Keyword Hierarchies to Interpret Gene Expression Patterns". Bioinformatics 2001, 7:310.
9) Corbeil J, Sheeter D, Genini D, Rought S, Leoni L, Du P, Ferguson M, Masys DR, Welsh JB, Fink JL, Sasik R, Huang D, Drenkow J, Richman DD, Gingeras T. "Temporal Gene Regulation During HIV-1 Infection of Human CD4+ T Cells". Genome Research 2001, 11:1198.
10) Tchieu J, Fana F, Fink JL, Harper J, Nair TM, Niedner RH, Smith D, Steube K, Tam TM, Veretnik S, Wang D, Gribskov M. "The PlantsP and PlantsT Functional Genomics Databases". Nucleic Acids Research 2003, 31:342.
11) Fink JL, Drewes S, Masys DR, Welsh JB, Corbeil J, Gribskov M. "2HAPI: a Microarray Data Analysis System". Bioinformatics 2003, 19:1443.
12) Nair TM, Zheng CL, Fink JL, Stuart RO, Gribskov M. "Rival penalized competitive learning algorithm (RPCL): a topology-determining algorithm for analyzing gene expression data". Computational Biology and Chemistry 2003, 27:565.
13) Fung MM, Chu YL, Fink JL, Wallace A, McGuire KL. IL-2- and STAT5-regulated cytokine gene expression in cells expressing the Tax protein of HTLV-1.” Oncogene 2005, 24:4624.
14) Fink JL, Aturaliya R, Hanson K, Davis M, Teasdale M, Teasdale RD. "LOCATE: a protein subcellular localization database." Nucleic Acids Research 2006, 34:D213.
15) Forrest ARR, Taylor DF, Fink L, Gongora M, Flegg C, Teasdale R, Suzuki H, Kanamori M, Kai C, Hayashizaki Y, Grimmond SM. “PhosphoregDB: The tissue and sub-cellular distribution of mammalian protein kinases and phosphatases.” BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:82.
16) Aturaliya R, Fink JL Davis M, Teasdale M, Hanson K, Miranda K, Forrest A, Suzuki H, Teasdale RD. “Subcellular Localization of Mammalian Type II Membrane Proteins.” Traffic 2006, 7:1.
17) Davis MJ, Hanson KA, Clark F, Fink JL, Zhang F, Kasukawa T, Kai C, Kawai J, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Teasdale RD. “Differential use of signal peptides and membrane domains is a common occurence in the protein output of transcriptional units”‚ PLoS Genetics 2006, 2:e46.
18) Sprenger J, Fink JL, Teasdale RD. "Evaluation and comparison of mammalian subcellular localization prediction methods." BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7Suppl5:S3.
19) Hamilton N, Pantelic R, Hanson K, Fink JL, Karunaratne S, Teasdale RD. "Automated Sub-Cellular Phenotype Classification." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics 2006, 73.
20) Fink JL, Hamilton N. "DomainDraw: A Macromolecular Schematic Drawing Program." In Silico Biology 2007, 7:14.
21) Fink JL, Bourne P. “Reinventing Scholarly Communication for the Electronic Age.” CTWatch Quarterly 2007, 3:3.
22) Caporaso JG, Deshpande N, Fink JL, Bourne PE, Cohen KB, Hunter L. “Intrinsic Evaluation of Text Mining Tools May Not Predict Performance on Realistic Tasks.” Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2008, 13:640.
23) Fink JL, Karunaratne S, Mittal A, Gardiner DM, Hamilton N, Mahony D, Sukuzi H, Hayashizaki Y, Teasdale RD. "Towards defining the nuclear proteome." Genome Biology 2008, 9(1):R15
24) Sprenger J, Fink JL, Teasdale RD. "LOCATE: a protein subcellular location database." Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, 36(Database issue): D230–D233.
25) Bourne PE, Fink JL, Gerstein M. “Open Access: Taking Full Advantage of the Content.“ PLoS Computational Biology, 2008, 4(3): e1000037.
26) Fink JL, Kushch S, Williams PR, Bourne PE. "BioLit: Integrating biological literature with databases". Accepted, Nucleic Acids Research, Web Server Issue, July 2008.
27) Veretnik S, Fink JL, Bourne PE. “Computational Biology Resources Lack Persistence and Usability”. PLoS Comput Biol. 2008, accepted.
28) Fink JL, Bailey A, Suwanto W, Kushch S, Milton DJ, Ramos A, Matherly J, Bourne PE. "Capitalizing on Open Access: Communicating and Integrating Literature in the Biological Sciences". Accepted, International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences, 2008.
PhD, 2002, University of California, San Diego - Biomedical Sciences
BS, 1995, University of Arizona - Molecular and Cellular Biology