User Profile


Hans Werner-Braun
Industry Researcher
La Jolla, California
About Hans:
Hans-Werner Braun is a Research Scientist at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) since 1997.

The UCSD involvement is with the San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC), with responsibility for specific networking related projects funded by the National Science Foundation. His current focus is on the High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN) as Principal Investigator. Previously he was also Principal Investigator of the National Laboratory of Applied Network Research (NLANR), with a focus on network measurement and analysis activities.

Braun was the Chief Network Architect with the Teledesic Corporation beginning in May 1996. Teledesic's objective was to to design a global broadband network for a system of hundreds of low earth orbit satellites. Braun remained a consultant to Teledesic for several years, after moving back to San Diego in 1997.

Prior to his Teledesic position he began working at SDSC as a Principal Scientist in January 1991, and retained an affiliation as Senior Fellow with the Center while at Teledesic. While at SDSC, he was focusing on National Science Foundation supported efforts for NREN/NII engineering, strategic planning, and network performance related research. He created and was Project Director for the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR), and Principal Investigator on various other NSF awards, including on information/web caching, network analysis, NREN engineering, and interagency ATM connectivity.

Between 1983 and 1991 he worked at the University of Michigan and the Merit Computer Network, a Michigan university networking consortium, on networking infrastructure. He became very involved in the early stages of the NSFNET networking efforts, and was a Principal Investigator for the NSFNET backbone project since the 1987 NSFNET award to Merit. While being Principal Investigator, the NSFNET backbone became the core interconnection network for the Internet, which enabled the Internet commercialization several years later. The NSFNET was key for driving the Internet technology from a DARPA research project which, in the wake of GOSIP and X.25, seemed on its way into oblivion in the mid-80s, towards an operationally accepted and commercialized globally available environment.

From 1978 to 1983 he worked as an engineer responsible for the networking activities at the regional computing center of the University of Cologne in Germany, which connects various universities in the state of Northrhine Westfalia.

Hans-Werner Braun received his engineering degree in Germany in 1978.
"Requirements for Internet Gateways -- Draft," as one of the explicitly mentioned contributors, SRI Network Information Center RFC 985, May 1986

"Working Draft, Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addresses in the ISO Connectionless- Mode Network Protocol," with Russ Callon (BBN), SRI Network Information Center RFC 986, June 1986, reissued as an updated version as RFC 1069, February 1989

"Initial delay experiments with the University SAtellite Network (USAN)," The University of Michigan, Merit Computer Network and Computing Center, 9 June 1986; was also fully included in the "University Satellite Network Project, Fourth Quarterly Report" to the NSF, 31 July 1986

"The NSFNET Backbone Network," together with Dave Mills (University of Delaware), ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Frontiers in Computer Communications Technology, August 1987

"Network Routing in the NSFNET," NNSC NSF Network News, November 1987, Number 2

"The NSFNET Routing Architecture," Merit Computer Network, May 1988; republished as SRI Network Information Center RFC 1093, February 1989.

"Monitoring Data Exchanges between the NSFNET Backbone Network and its attached Regional Clients," together with Elise Gerich (Merit Computer Network), Merit Computer Network, NDOC4, June 1988

"NSFNET Inter Autonomous Domain Routing," Merit Computer Network, NDOC6, September 1988

"The new NSFNET backbone network," ACE ConneXions, Volume 2, No. 12, December 1988

"Models of Policy Based Routing," SRI Network Information Center RFC1104, June 1989

"The Need for Routing in Complex Networking Systems or Why a Border Gateway Protocol," together with Jessica Yu, NSFNET LINK LETTER, Vol. 2, No. 4, September 1989

"Routing between the NSFNET and the DDN," together with Jessica Yu, SRI Network Information Center RFC1133, November 1989

"Advancing the NSFNET Routing Architecture," together with Yakov Rekhter (IBM Research), SRI Network Information Center, RFC1222, May 1991

"Remote visualization: challenges and opportunities," with Parulkar, G.M., Bowie, J., Guerin, R., and others, Proceedings Visualization'91, San Diego, 22-25 Oct. 1991, Edited by: Nielson, G.M.; Rosenblum, L. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1991. p. 340-4.

"Analysis and Modeling of High Speed Networks: Project Status Report", with Bilal A. Chinoy, Kimberly C. Claffy and George Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A20916, April 1992, also Technical Report CS92-237, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego

"NSF Implementation Plan for Interagency Interim NREN", with Robert Aiken (NSF), Peter Ford (LANL) and Kimberly Claffy (SDSC, Editor), SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-21174, May 1992, published in Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol 2, Num 1, 1993

"Traffic Characteristics of the T1 NSFNET Backbone", with Kimberly C. Claffy and George C. Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21019, published in IEEE INFOCOM'93; also Technical Report CS92-252, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, July 1992

"Measurement Considerations for Assessing Unidirectional Latencies", with Kimberly C. Claffy and George C. Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21018, "Intenetworking: Research and Experience," Vol 4 #3, Sept. 93, also Technical Report CS92-253, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, August 1992

"The National Science Foundation Network" with Bilal A. Chinoy, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-21029, September 1992

"Analysis and Modeling of Wide Area Networks: Annual Status Report" with Bilal A. Chinoy, Kimberly C. Claffy and George C. Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21224, February 1993

"Improving the Routing and Addressing of the Internet Protocol" with Peter S. Ford and Yakov Rekhter, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21256, 1993, also published as IBM Research Report RC 18744(82271) 3/1/93 Revised 4/1/93, IEEE Network, May 1993

"Application of Sampling Methodologies to Network Traffic Characterization" with Kimberly C. Claffy and George C. Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21239, 1993, SIGCOMM '93

"Network Analysis in Support of Internet Policy Requirements" with Kimberly C. Claffy, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21253, 1993, Proceedings INET'93

"Long-term Traffic Aspects of the NSFNET" with Kimberly C. Claffy and George C. Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21238, July 1993, Proceedings INET'93

"Network analysis issues for a public Internet" with Kimberly C. Claffy, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21350, for the "Public Access to the Internet" workshop at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, May 1993

"The NSFNET T1/T3 Network" with Paul D. Bosco (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), ConneXions, Vol 7, No. 9, September 1993 (Interop93 version)

"CIDR and the Evolution of the Internet Protocol" with Peter S. Ford and Yakov Rekhter. SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21364, 1993, Proceedings INET'93, republished in ConneXions Vol 7, No 9, Sep 1993 (Interop93 version)

"A Framework for Flow-based Accounting on the Internet" with Kimberly C. Claffy and George Polyzos, SDSC Applied Network Research group, GA-A21358, 1993, Proceedings IEEE SICON/ISIE'93

"Mitigating the coming Internet crunch: multiple service levels via Precedence", R. Bohn, H.-W. Braun, K. Claffy and S. Wolff, November 1993, Journal of High Speed Networks

"Tracking Long-term Growth of the NSFNET",K. Claffy and H.-W. Braun and G. Polyzos, March 1994, Communications of the ACM, 1994

"Web traffic characterization: an assessment of the impact of caching documents from NCSA's web server", H.-W. Braun and K. Claffy, in Second International World Wide Web (WWW) Conference '94, October 15-17 1994, Chicago, IL; also published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28 (1995)

"A parametrizable methodology for Internet traffic flow profiling", K. Claffy, H.-W. Braun and G. Polyzos, Mar 1995, IEEE JSAC Special Issue on the Global Internet

"Measured Interference of Security Mechanisms with Network Performance", K. Claffy, H.-W. Braun, and Andrew Gross, INET95, 1995

"Post-NSFNET Statistics Collection", Hans-Werner Braun and Kimberly Claffy, 1997, in "The Unpredictable Certainty - Information Infrastructure Thourgh 2000", Computer Science and Communications Board, National Research Council