RASEIBoulder's Videos

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The Economics just aren't there: Towards a Model of Wind Energy Industry Development in Industrial and Emerging Economies
The Economics just aren't there: Towards a Model of Wind Energy Industry Development in Industrial and Emerging Economies
Summary: Through the development and analysis of in-depth case studies of the emergence of wind power industries in industrialized and emerging economies, a model of sustainable energy industry...
77 views since Mar 3, 2012 13:56
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U.S. Wind Energy Challenges and Opportunities
U.S. Wind Energy Challenges and Opportunities
Robert Gramlich is Senior Vice President of Public Policy for the American Wind Energy Association, the national trade association of approximately 2,500 entities involved in all aspects of wind...
110 views since Mar 3, 2012 13:29
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Progress towards Third Generation Solar Energy Conversion: Can Quantum Dot Solar Cells exceed the Shockley-Queisser Limit?
Progress towards Third Generation Solar Energy Conversion: Can Quantum Dot Solar Cells exceed the Shockley-Queisser Limit?
Summary: Power conversion efficiency is one of the most important parameters that can directly affect the overall cost of a PV installation. In the Shockley-Queisser detailed balanced analysis, the...
168 views since Feb 12, 2012 14:14
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Using Renewable Hybrid Power Systems to Meet Off-Grid Community and Commercial Energy Needs
Using Renewable Hybrid Power Systems to Meet Off-Grid Community and Commercial Energy Needs
Summary: Diesel generators are the traditional means by which people generate electricity in remote locations. Throughout the world, there are many thousands of off-grid communities, industrial...
119 views since Feb 12, 2012 13:50
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The Global Energy Transition: What Will It Take to Make The Switch
The Global Energy Transition: What Will It Take to Make The Switch
Summary: Energy impacts every aspect of our lives – yet energy remains a vast and complex subject. For the past two years I have been filming a major documentary on global energy. Based on...
171 views since Jan 24, 2012 17:07
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Photo-Physics and Renewable Energy Applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Photo-Physics and Renewable Energy Applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Summary: Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are two-dimensionally confined quantum wires that have the potential to impact a variety of renewable energy applications. SWCNTs have several...
142 views since Dec 18, 2011 13:11
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Opportunities and Challenges of Offshore Wind Energy
Opportunities and Challenges of Offshore Wind Energy
Offshore wind power can contribute extensively to a clean, robust, and diversified U.S. energy portfolio. Capturing the Nation's large and inexhaustible offshore wind resource has the potential to...
101 views since Dec 18, 2011 12:38
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Can Renewables Provide Big Energy in America's Electric Future?
Can Renewables Provide Big Energy in America's Electric Future?
Renewable energy sources currently provide about only about 10% of the nation’s electricity, with most of that coming from large hydro sources. Renewable energy sources are scattered around the...
287 views since Dec 3, 2011 14:36
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Liquid Crystal Based Variable Light Attenuation for Switchable Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Application
Liquid Crystal Based Variable Light Attenuation for Switchable Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Application
Energy loss through the windows remains a dominant obstacle in obtaining zero-energy buildings. In particular, for mixed climate environments, the solar heat gain coefficient of a window must be...
167 views since Dec 3, 2011 14:11
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Search for Rare Earths, Key Materials for Energy Innovation
Search for Rare Earths, Key Materials for Energy Innovation
Rare earth minerals are difficult and expensive to mine. And like most mining activities, doing so results in environmental damage, particularly because the ores from which these metals are...
95 views since Dec 3, 2011 13:44
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