User Profile


John LaMuth
Specialized Professional
Research Interests:
Research Statement A new model of ethical behavior, described as a ten-level meta-hierarchy of the traditional groupings of virtues, values, and ideals serves as the foundation for a holistic theory of ethics and morality. The respective ethical groupings are collectively arranged as subsets within a hierarchy of meta-perspectives, each more abstract listing building directly upon that which it supersedes. For instance, the cardinal virtues (prudence-justice-temperance-fortitude), the theological virtues (faith-hope-charity-decency), and the classical Greek values (beauty-truth-goodness-wisdom) are collectively arranged as a complex of four subordinate terms each, allowing for a precise point-for-point stacking within the ethical hierarchy. When additional groupings of are further added into the mix, the complete ten level hierarchy emerges in full detail. – Education • MS Counseling (1984) Calif. State Univ. Fullerton Counseling with emphasis in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling • BS Biological Sciences (1977) Univ. of Calif. Irvine Biological Sciences – with Honors Diploma for Research in Psychobiology Publications • LaMuth, John. Character Values: Promoting a Virtuous Lifestyle. Fairhaven Books: Lucerne Valley, March 2005 ISBN #: 1929649679 Note: perfect bound 472 pages • LaMuth, John. Communication Breakdown: Decoding the Riddle of Mental Illness). Fairhaven Books, June 2004 Note: perfect bound - 280 pages. • LaMuth, John. "The Development of the Forebrain as an Elementary Function of the Parameters of Input Specificity and Phylogenetic Age." J. U/grad Research in Bio. Sci. - U. C. Irvine. Volume 6. pp. 274-294. June 1, 1977. Talks • Presentation of a paper at ISSS 2000 (International Society for Systems Sciences) Conference in Toronto, Canada on various aspects of the new science of Powerplay Politics. • Toward a Science of Consciousness: TUCSON April 8–12, 2002 Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona-sponsored by the Center for Consciousness Studies-University of Arizona (poster presentation). • John presented a poster at the 8th International Tsukaba Bioethics Conference at Tsukaba, Japan on Feb. 15 to 17, 2003. • John has presented his paper – “The Communicational Factors Underlying the Mental Disorders” at the 2006 Annual Conf. of the Western Psychological Association at Palm Springs, CA Honors • Honors Diploma for Research in Biological Sciences (June 1977) - Univ. of Calif. Irvine. • John is a member of the APA and the American Philosophical Association. • US Patents Granted for Ethical Artificial Intelligence # 6,587,846 & 7,236,963 LaMuth, J. E. (1977). The Development of the Forebrain as an Elementary Function of the Parameters of Input Specificity and Phylogenetic Age. J. U-grad Rsch: Bio. Sci. U. C. Irvine. (6): 274-294. LaMuth, J. E. (1999). The Ultimate Guide to Family Values: A Grand Unified Theory of Ethics and Morality. Lucerne Valley, CA: Fairhaven. LaMuth, J. E. (2000). A Holistic Model of Ethical Behavior Based Upon a Metaperspectival Hierarchy of the Traditional Groupings of Virtue, Values, & Ideals. Proceedings of the 44th Annual World Congress for the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences – Toronto. LaMuth, J. E. (2002). A Revolution in Family Values: Tradition vs. Technology. Lucerne Valley, CA: Fairhaven. LaMuth, J. E. (2003). Inductive Inference Affective Language Analyzer Simulating AI. - US Patent # 6,587,846. LaMuth, J. E. (2004). Behavioral Foundations for the Behaviourome / Mind Mapping Project. Proceedings for the Eighth International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable,Tsukuba, Japan. LaMuth, J. E. (2004). Communication Breakdown: Decoding the Riddle of Mental Illness. Lucerne Valley, CA: Fairhaven. LaMuth, J. E. (2005). A Diagnostic Classification of the Emotions: A Three-Digit Coding System for Affective Language. Lucerne Valley: Fairhaven. LaMuth, J. E. (2005). Character Values: Promoting a Virtuous Lifestyle. Fairhaven Books: Lucerne Valley. 472 pages. LaMuth, J. E. (2007). Inductive Inference Affective Language Analyzer Simulating Transitional AI. - US Patent # 7,236,963. John has also presented his paper – “The Communicational Factors Underlying the Mental Disorders” at the 2006 Annual Conf. of the Western Psychological Association. Below are a few of my main web-domains concerning my book projects and patents
APA, American Philosophical Assoc.
About JohnLaMuth:
I am a 57 year-old counselor and author, native to the Southern California area. Credentials include a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biological Sciences from University of California, Irvine: followed by a Master of Science Degree in Counseling from California State University, Fullerton; with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. Postgraduate career choices include social work with abused children, and as an educator in the field of psychology. John is currently engaged in private practice in Divorce and Family Mediation Counseling in the Southern CA area – JLM Mediation Service – Box 105 - Lucerne Valley, CA 92356.