Hyrdation Dynamics and Time Scales of Coupled Water-Protein Fluctuations

submitted by: icamvid

Dongping Zhong gives a talk at the ICAM 2007 conference about dynamical ordered water (conformational flexibility) and the dynamics of protein-water interactions.

Science of NFL Football - Kinematics

submitted by: nsf

In this segment, NBC's Lester Holt and former NFL running back Deuce McAllister explore kinematics on the playing field. NSF-funded scientists Tony Schmitz from the University of Florida and John Ziegert of Clemson University explain how the kinematic concepts of position, velocity and acceleration can be used to define how a running back moves.

An Accelerated View of Functional Dynamics in Bio-Molecular Systems

submitted by: icamvid

Phineus Markwick gives a talk at the RPP08 conference long time-scale MD simulations of protein dynamics. He discusses experiments using dipolar coupling to probe the protein dynamics. From these he shows how to build a simulation.

Uniqueness, Self Belonging and Intercourse in Nature-New Version

submitted by: hsrikm
Biological organization is discussed within a holistic framework . A new orientation is presented of natural processes with an approach in model construction that is focused strictly on physical form and centered away from abstractions that escape the perceptual senses, lead towards the postulation of non-verifiable and non-witnessible entities. A universal construction composed of first perspective representations of path, witness as unique loci in volumes of space delineated as...

The Bend : A Speculation on History and Science

submitted by: hsrikm

The age of human civilization is given the name “the bend” based on a re-examination of the emergence of science, science theory content, and history.

Anthropology and Parallelism : The Individual as a Universal

submitted by: hsrikm
It is difficult to define perspective within sets that are self belonging. For example in the study of mankind, anthropology, both men and their studies fall into the same category that contains the topic outline. This situation entails a universal quality of uniqueness, an instance of, to the topic of anthropology that almost may be viewed in parallel to the topic of nature as the set of unique particulars. Yet one might assent to the notion in the inclusive study of man, anthropology,...
Authors: Marvin Kirsh

The Importance of Marine Picoeukaryotes and the Search for Lost Time

submitted by: dougramsey
Unicellular eukaryotes are responsible for a massive amount of photosynthetic carbon fixation in marine systems. The smallest among these fall within the “pico” size fraction (<2 micrometers in diameter), are broadly distributed – from coastal to open-ocean environments – and are highly diverse. Picoeukaryotes contribute a significant proportion of the biomass and primary production within this size fraction, often rivaling their cyanobacterial counterparts Prochlorococcus and...


submitted by: mcweadon

McWeadon Education Founder Professor Badrul Khan discusses Issues in e-learning online education distance education.

SDSU Geological Sciences Webinar - Stephen T. Hasiotis

submitted by: tcarrasc
Ichnology for the 21st Century: Understanding the differences between continental and marine trace fossils, with implications to the diversity, distribution, and evolution of soil biota ; Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, Seminar Series ; The study of ichnology has come a long way since its inception and it continues to evolve. In particular, progress is being made in understanding the implications of trace fossils in the continental realm and how they can be...

Apparency and Actuality

submitted by: hsrikm
Apparency and actuality are discussed with respect to science, genetics, evolution, cognition and perception. Rules for a (sub)set of actual/allowable sets of entities and objects from a total set that is based on differences and contrasts extracted from perceptual experience of the world elucidate tenable combinations/recombinations from a total of the transparent(history/past dependant) and the apparent as they can be construed to comprise the actual/real faces of perception. The elements...