Embryonic stem-cell-preconditioned microenvironment induces loss of cancer cell properties in human melanoma cells

submitted by: cmjones
The cancer microenvironment affects cancer cell proliferation and growth. Embryonic stem (ES)-preconditioned 3-dimensional (3-D) culture of cancer cells induces cancer cell reprogramming and results in a change in cancer cell properties such as differentiation and migration in skin melanoma. However, the mechanism has not yet been clarified. Using the ES-preconditioned 3-D microenvironment model, we provide evidence showing that the ES microenvironment inhibits proliferation and...
Authors: M. o. Kim, S. h. Kim, N. Oi, M. h. Lee, D. h. Yu, D. j. Kim, E. j. Cho, A. m. Bode, Y. y. Cho, T. g. Bowden, Z. Dong

Identification and Regulation of c-Myb Target Genes in MCF-7 cells.

submitted by: aquintan
BACKGROUND: The c-Myb transcription factor regulates differentiation and proliferation in hematopoietic cells, stem cells and epithelial cells. Although oncogenic versions of c-Myb were first associated with leukemias, over expression or rearrangement of the c-myb gene is common in several types of solid tumors, including breast cancers. Expression of the c-myb gene in human breast cancer cells is dependent on estrogen stimulation, but little is known about the activities of the c-Myb...
Authors: Anita m. Quintana, Fan Liu, John p. O'rourke, Scott a. Ness

Sunscreen prevention of melanoma in man and mouse

submitted by: hlpklug


Authors: Glenn Merlino, Edward c De fabo, Margaret a Tucker, Heather lp Klug, Thomas r Fears, Miriam r Anver, Frances p Noonan, Cari Graff-cherry, Janet a Tooze

Loss of nuclear receptor RXR in epidermal keratinocytes promotes the formation of Cdk4-activated invasive melanomas

submitted by: Alex
Keratinocytes contribute to melanocyte transformation by affecting their microenvironment, in part through the secretion of paracrine factors. Here we report a loss of expression of nuclear receptor RXR? in epidermal keratinocytes during human melanoma progression. In the absence of keratinocytic RXR?, in combination with mutant Cdk4, cutaneous melanoma was generated that metastasized to lymph nodes in a bigenic mouse model. Expression of several keratinocyte-derived mitogenic growth factors...
Authors: Arup Indra

The BRCA1/2 pathway prevents hematologic cancers in addition to breast and ovarian cancers

submitted by: BernardFriedenson
Background The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that inactivation of virtually any component within the pathway containing the BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins would increase the risks for lymphomas and leukemias. In people who do not have BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations, the encoded proteins prevent breast/ovarian cancer. However BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins have multiple functions including participating in a pathway that mediates repair of DNA double strand breaks by error-free...
Authors: Bernard Friedenson