The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) is a nonprofit organization established to advance the coordination of the extensive network of people, processes and technologies needed to improve access to critical information that supports the safety, economy, and health of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River ecosystem. GLOS coordinates Great Lakes observations, information technology, data delivery products, and related services by developing a broad network of members and providing a forum for collaboration and communication. Through its role as a data management facilitator, GLOS makes a broader suite of data available to scientists, resource managers, decision-makers and other data users, allowing them to develop a more complete characterization of our Great Lakes by collecting and bringing data together to be used with other data sets, in models, and in data products.
This presentation will provide an overview of the GLOS Data Management and Communications (DMAC) system which is modeled after a national framework established by the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Through this national program, IOOS and its regional partners develop and maintain DMAC capabilities to:
• Deliver accurate and timely observations and model outputs to a range of consumers;
• Deploy the information system components for full life-cycle management of observations; and
• Establish robust data exchange that is responsive to variable customer requirements.
There are many elements to consider when building these capabilities for the Great Lakes, in particular developing a standards-based foundation and service-oriented architecture to improve data access and interoperability. This presentation, by Kelli Paige, will also provide a review of the quality management system developed by GLOS to help establish this foundation. This talk and others were part of the Advanced Aquatic Sensors (AAS) Workshop funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and held at the University of Michigan Biological Station from September 12-13th, 2011.
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