I-CAMP 2010 Sydney & Brisbane, Australia from June 21 to July 10. The Inter-Continental Advanced Materials for Photonics (I-CAMP) Summer School will enable researchers working at the forefronts of materials science & photonics to discuss the emerging uses of light for control and fundamental study of matter and advances in the use of materials to control light. The I-CAMP School will provide education for young scientists working in materials science, optics, photonics, biophysics, nanoscience, and related fields. The goal is to prepare the participants for research at the frontiers of science and technology by providing an interdisciplinary expert training not easily available within the traditional system of graduate education and postdoctoral apprenticeship. The Summer School is primarily targeted at advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows within the first three years after defending PhD, although those in different circumstances are considered too.