This community is a group in The Scientist Video Awards 2009.

Institution 2009

Institution 2009 feed

image of Institution 2009
Description: Institution category

Here’s how to upload your video:

1. Go to /uploadvideo and login to Scivee or register if you're not already a user.

2. Follow the video upload process:

- Mark your entry as a "video only."
- Give your video a title, a short description, and list the authors
- Choose the appropriate audience and subject areas.

3. When asked to enter tags, make sure you put either TSVA-Individual or TSVA-Institution to submit your entry to the appropriate category.

4. Click finish and you'll be automatically entered into the contest. It's that easy!

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Community Pubcastsview all
image of Institution 2009

The establishment of apical–basal polarity within a single cell and throughout a growing tissue is a key feature of epithelial morphogenesis. To examine the underlying mechanisms, the human intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2 was grown in a three-dimensional matrix to generate a cystlike...

image of Institution 2009

Current concepts of cell migration were established in regular two-dimensional (2D) cell culture, but the roles of topography are poorly understood for cells migrating in an oriented 3D fibrillar extracellular matrix (ECM). We use a novel micropatterning technique termed microphotopatterning...

image of Institution 2009

Chemoattractant signaling induces the polarization and directed movement of cells secondary to the activation of multiple effector pathways. In addition, chemotactic signals can be amplified and relayed to proximal cells via the synthesis and secretion of additional chemoattractant. The...

Community Videosview all
image of Institution 2009

Analyzing the structure of complex networks like the US Aviation System can be very difficult, but one way to simplify this problem is to consider only the flights on the shortest routes from one specific airport to every other. For each airport, this gives us a different perspective on the...

image of Institution 2009

The video is based on an experiment of a Plant physiology course (HORT301) for Horticulture and Biology students. It is a student production geared towards middle school, highschool students and undergraduates as well as viewers who are interested in plant science. It depicts how flower pigments...

image of Institution 2009

The video PSI – Are my soybeans wearing different genes? is inspired by the popular TV show “CSI-crime scene investigations”. Here, however, the investigators are solving cases in the field of plant science investigations (PSI). The stunning phenomenon that soybean plants can survive...