submitted by: camdic

"I fought a lot; I thought I could win, but fate and nature repressed my study and my efforts. But it is already something to be on the battlefield, because to win depends very much on fortune. But I did as much as I could, and I do not think anyone, of the future generation, will deny it. I was not afraid of death, I never gave in to anyone, I chose courageous death instead of a coward’s life". Giordano Bruno, De Monade (1591).

A thought requires roughly a million different brain neurons

submitted by: nsf

Theoretical biophysicist William Bialek discusses how all of the parts in our brain work together to produce all of the simple and complex thoughts that humans have.

Observing multiple neurons simultaneously

submitted by: nsf

Theoretical biophysicist William Bialek discusses the BRAIN Initiative and how his team plans to study neuron activity.

How does our brain use coding to interpret the world?

submitted by: nsf

Theoretical biophysicist William Bialek discusses how our brain interprets information in a continuous way.

Responsive Neurostimulation to Control Partial Epileptic Seizure

submitted by: mcgheek
Jonathan C. Edwards, M.D., Director of MUSC's Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, who participated in the clinical trial that led to recent FDA approval of responsive neurostimulation (RNS) for partial epileptic seizure, discusses how RNS offers for the first time two-way communication with the brain. The RNS device first records seizure activity and, once the electronic signature of a patient's seizures is identified, is programmed to recognize and disrupt that signature.Read “Conversing with...

Novel cell-based and materials science approach to target Glioblastoma brain cancer tumors

submitted by: nsf

Stefan Bossmann and Deryl Troyer at Kansas State University are developing a novel materials treatment method for persons with brain cancer that uses a type of white blood cell to deliver anticancer drugs to particularly virulent brain tumors.