
University of the Sciences Open Chemistry Talk

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents on "Open Education in Chemistry Research and Classroom" at the University of the Sciences on January 11, 2011. The talk covers screencasting, wikis, chemical information validation, Open Notebook Science and smartphones.

Nanoinformatics Talk on SMIRP and Open Notebook Science

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents on "The implications of Open Notebook Science and other new forms of scientific communication for Nanoinformatics" at the Nanoinformatics 2010 conference on November 3, 2010. The presentation first covers the use of the laboratory knowledge management system SMIRP for nanotechnology applications during the period of 1999-2001 at Drexel University. The exporting of single experiments from SMIRP and publication to the Chemistry Preprint Archive is then described...

Web 0.0/1.0/2.0/3.0 and Chemical Information

submitted by: jcbradley
Elizabeth Brown from the Binghamton University Libraries presents on "Web 0.0/1.0/2.0/3.0 and Chemical Information" on October 21, 2010 as a guest lecturer for Jean-Claude Bradley's class on Chemical Information Retrieval at Drexel University. An analogy to art is made to illustrate the differences between these communication platforms.

ChemInfo 2010 Class2

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley delivers the lecture for the second class of Chemical Information Retrieval 2010 at Drexel University on September 30, 2010. This is mainly an overview of using Beilstein Crossfire, SciFinder and ChemSpider to find chemical properties.

A personal perspective on open access publishing

submitted by: phylogenomics
Slidecast of a talk I gave at UC Davis - for the brown bag series for the CTSC (Clinical and Translational Science Center)

OpenSciNY Open Notebook Science Talk

submitted by: jcbradley
On May 14, 2010 Jean-Claude Bradley presented on Open Notebook Science at the OpenSciNY conference at the New York University Library. He introduced the topic by telling a few stories about how new forms of communication are affecting how we think about concepts like "scientific precedent", "peer review", "scientific publishing" and "scientific scholarship". At the end he spoke about archiving Open Notebook Science projects culminating in the publication of the Reaction Attempts and ONS...

Introducing Sourcemap: the Open Source Platform for Sustainability and Supply Chain Transparency

submitted by: amerigo
How can we begin to make sustainable decisions without information about the products and services we buy? At Sourcemap, we believe you have a right to know where things come from and what they're made of. Sourcemap is a free and open platform for understanding the social and environmental impacts of modern supply chains. It is a rich social tool for crowd-sourcing information from producers, designers and consumers to build a comprehensive catalog of consumer products. Built-in...

Open Access Week 2010: A Message from Phil Bourne

submitted by: Phil
Authors: Philip E. Bourne, J. Lynn Fink, Mark Gerstein

Education 2.0: Leveraging Collaborative Tools for Teaching

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents at the Drexel E-Learning 2.0 Conference on March 25, 2010. The talk covers the educational uses of screencasting, wikis, blogs, games, Google Spreadsheets and Second Life.

An Efficient Publication Process

submitted by: bartneck
In this video tutorial, we introduce an efficient publication process. It starts with structuring thoughts, and assembling all the elements in a text editor. Next, we demonstrate how to manage references and how to include figures. Last, we demonstrate the usage of Latex to automatically layout a document.