Notice: SciVee plans a maintenance window Tuesday, September 1 at 8PM PDT.



The Biology of Genomes (2008) with David Bentley Interviewed by Chris Gunter

Dr. David Bentley is Vice President and Chief Scientist at Illumina Inc, developing new DNA sequencing technology for fast, accurate sequencing of complex genomes. His major research interest is the study of human sequence variation. He was previously Head of Human Genetics and founding Member of the Board of Management at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, where he played leading roles in the Institute's contribution the human genome reference sequence, The SNP Consortium and the...

Mapping the Arabidopsis Epigenome and Transcriptome by Deep Sequencing

submitted by: dougramsey
Mapping the Arabidopsis Epigenome and Transcriptome by Deep Sequencing presented by Ryan Lister

Towards Computer Assisted Markup of Data: Habitat-Lite

submitted by: dougramsey
Lynette Hirschman, The MITRE Corporation Co-authors: Scott Mardis, Cheryl Clark, Kevin Cohen Habitat-Lite (aka EnvO-Lite) is a set of structured terms designed to facilitate capture of high-level information about habitat and sample source metadata for genomics and metagenomics samples. It is designed to be light-weight and compact. Habitat-Lite terms are drawn from the full EnvO ontology and are made avail able by the EnvO Consortium in the EnvO-Lite-GSC OBO file. Habitat-Lite terms include...

Reconstruction of Alternative Splice Variants and Associated Abundances from Short Sequence Reads (CSHL Genome Informatics Conference 2008)

submitted by: micha
The FLUX CAPACITOR : next generation sequencing technologies provide an unprecedented capacity for surveying the nucleic acid content of cells. This profound sequencing depth may allow in particular for exhaustively sequencing through the large dyanimc range of RNA abundances in the cell, overcoming limitations imposed by current (random) clone selection approaches. However, the very short reads produced by the most cost-effective such technologies make the reconstruction of complete RNA...

Epigenomics of Cancer - Prof. Wei Li (Part 1, 2009)

submitted by: ralanharris
Prof. Wei Li lectures on studies of transcription factor binding sites and histone modifications using ChIP-chip and Chip-seq assays. Part of the Computer Aided Discovery Methods 2009 course offered at Baylor College of Medicine.

Visualization in Hydrology using Google Earth

submitted by: broxtopd
This submission is designed to illustrate the effectiveness of using Google Earth visualizations to convey hydrologic information. The presentation is divided into several parts. After an introduction, there is a section describing the usefulness of using Google Earth to display spatial data, a section highlighting the overlay of static map coverages in Google Earth such as USGS topographic overlays and maps representing various topographic characteristics, and a section pertaining to my...