
Web 0.0/1.0/2.0/3.0 and Chemical Information

submitted by: jcbradley
Elizabeth Brown from the Binghamton University Libraries presents on "Web 0.0/1.0/2.0/3.0 and Chemical Information" on October 21, 2010 as a guest lecturer for Jean-Claude Bradley's class on Chemical Information Retrieval at Drexel University. An analogy to art is made to illustrate the differences between these communication platforms.

ChemInfo 2010 Class2

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley delivers the lecture for the second class of Chemical Information Retrieval 2010 at Drexel University on September 30, 2010. This is mainly an overview of using Beilstein Crossfire, SciFinder and ChemSpider to find chemical properties.

OpenSciNY Open Notebook Science Talk

submitted by: jcbradley
On May 14, 2010 Jean-Claude Bradley presented on Open Notebook Science at the OpenSciNY conference at the New York University Library. He introduced the topic by telling a few stories about how new forms of communication are affecting how we think about concepts like "scientific precedent", "peer review", "scientific publishing" and "scientific scholarship". At the end he spoke about archiving Open Notebook Science projects culminating in the publication of the Reaction Attempts and ONS...

Education 2.0: Leveraging Collaborative Tools for Teaching

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents at the Drexel E-Learning 2.0 Conference on March 25, 2010. The talk covers the educational uses of screencasting, wikis, blogs, games, Google Spreadsheets and Second Life.

Peer Review and Science2.0

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents on "Peer Review and Science2.0: blogs, wikis and social networking sites" as a guest lecturer for the “Peer Review Culture in Scholarly Publication and Grantmaking” course at Drexel University. The main thrust of the presentation is that peer review alone is not capable of coping with the increasing flood of scientific information being generated and shared. Arguments are made to show that providing sufficient proof for scientific findings does scale and...

UPenn Library Open Notebook Science Talk Jan2010

submitted by: jcbradley
Jean-Claude Bradley presents "Open Notebook Science and other Science2.0 Approaches to Communicate Research" at the University of Pennsylvania Library on January 21, 2010. The introduction covers recent examples of where the sharing of laboratory notebook information in chemistry on the blogosphere has been key to resolving ambiguous results in the traditional literature. Other examples illustrate the inability to assess contradictory data in the literature simply because insufficient...

Cheminfo Retrieval Class Six FA09

submitted by: jcbradley
This is the lecture from the sixth Chemical Information Retrieval class at Drexel University on October 29, 2009. It starts with a review of some of the new questions answered by students from the chemistry publishing FAQ, which covers patent information and accessing electronic journals at Drexel. Tony Williams submitted a puzzle to resolve conflicting structures in ChemSpider, which is too difficult to be a regular assignment. It requires re-analyzing spectroscopic data in papers where...

Cheminfo Retrieval Fifth Class FA09

submitted by: jcbradley
The fifth Chemical Information Retrieval class at Drexel University on October 22, 2009 started out with covering the new 3D structure viewer introduced recently at PLoS ONE to provide ideas for students doing a multimedia project this term. The current student answers to the chemistry publishing FAQ are then discussed. The reason for removing glatiramer acetate from ChemSpider is explained and a few databases (Wikipedia, PubChem, DrugBank) are visited that still contain the incorrect SMILES,...

Cheminfo Retrieval Second Class FA09

submitted by: jcbradley
This is a recording of the second class on Chemical Information Retrieval on Oct 1, 2009 at Drexel University. The first part involves technical details about using the Wikispaces site and the rest is an open ended discussion of topics relating to publishing in science and chemistry: primary and secondary/tertiary sources, Open Access, copyright and Web2.0

A Walk Through Prevo Science Library, DePauw University

submitted by: Caroline Gilson
Take a video tour of the Prevo Science Library.