
Metastatic Melanoma Survivor's Advice

submitted by: mdanderson Tim Shiery of Houston, Texas was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma in August of 2007. He had spots on his brain, lungs, liver, skin and bone. After a roller coaster ride which included surgery, chemotherapy and TIL Cell therapy, Shiery is now a metastatic melanoma cancer survivor. Listen to this metastatic melanoma cancer survivor's encouraging words of advice.

What is yeast?

submitted by: Singer Instruments
Yeast infection, beer brewing & baking are some of its roles - But 'what the Candida' is it?!

Brain Cancer Basics and Hope through Research

submitted by: mdanderson
Amy Heimberger, M.D., Associate Professor in the Department Neurosurgery at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, discusses the basics, history and the incidence of brain cancer. She is joined by Gail Goodwin, MD Anderson employee and brain cancer survivor, and Lanie Rose, founder of Run for the Rose (annual run raising funds for brain cancer research) for an engaging discussion about new advances in brain cancer research and how there is hope for more long-term brain cancer...

Subconjunctival auto-hemotherapy of eye burns in our cases. PMID: 1405409 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

submitted by: Auto-hemotherapy
Subconjunctival autohemotherapy of eye burns in our cases. PMID: 1405409 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Klin Oczna. 1992 Apr;94(4):113-4. [Subconjunctival autohemotherapy of eye burns in our cases]. [Article in Polish]Lenkiewicz E, Ferencowa A, Szewczykowa E. Source Oddzialu Okulistycznego Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego w Olsztynie. Abstract The authors present the results of subconjunctival autohemotherapy of thermal and chemical burns in 940 eyes which concerned 734...

Video Tip of the Week: New Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) Resource

submitted by: OpenHelix
For more information, see our blog post at In this movie we compare the new GTR resource from NCBI to other clinical resources that you may already be using, to answer why you may want to use the GTR.

Bile Duct Cancer – Rare but Numbers are Growing

submitted by: mdanderson
Download from itunes: Bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) is rare. There are 4,000 – 5,000 newly-diagnosed cases in the United States each year, and the numbers are growing. It’s important to get the disease treated at a multidisplinary facility that specializes in bile duct cancer. Thomas Aloia, M.D., Assistant Professor in Surgical Oncology; Boris Blechacz, M.D., Assistant Professor in the...